Monday 30 July 2012

hot plate?/cold plate? you decide

Ok, day two and what to write in new shiney blog.

There I was minding my own business in the Co-op, hunting some grub for kids' supper when I was told to 'stay where you are, I've been meaning to speak to you'....fair enough, must be something important so I smile and say 'what was that Sir?' (always start politely) - the conversation follows thus:-

I ate at your place the other evening and ordered fish cakes (so far so good....we do do rather good fishcakes) and they were served on a cold plate! (look of distain on gentleman's face)

ah, says I, your fishcakes came with a salad, did they not Sir?

I have no idea, all I know is that they were served on a cold plate!

Yes Sir, our fishcakes are served with a salad and as such salad is not served on a hot plate, thus ours are not hot.

I don't care if there was a salad or not, the plate was cold!

Yes Sir, that is because they are served with a salad (bangs head on side of counter as at this stage we are not getting anywhere)

That is not the point....the plate was cold!

Yes Sir, that is because you don't normally serve salad on a hot plate.

At this point, still smiling, I realise that we are getting nowhere fast - the staff behind the till however are thoroughly enjoying aforesaid conversation.

Well, says he, I only came to your place because where I normally go was closed!! you know what, I resisted the temptation to suggest that he waits until his usual haunt is open next time, wasn't that controlled of me?

So, the jury is out....salad on a hot plate or a cold plate?  At Thomsons it will be cold :)

Sunday 29 July 2012

29th July 2012
Thomsons Wine Bar and Deli's first blog....what to say?
Who are we?: a family run Deli/Wine Bar in the heart of the Pewsey Vale in Wiltshire.  We are open six days a week, serving breakfast, morning coffee, lunch, afternoon tea and, three nights a week we are open as a wine bar.  No frills, we have wonky tables and odd chairs but the food is great and we're quite a friendly bunch...usually!!
What do we sell?  Graham is up at just after 6am six days a week making delicious bread.  He also knocks up some pretty tasty scotch eggs (a legend in their own lifetime), sausage rolls that'll keep you coming back for more, quiche and pies. (not to forget his meringues)  At lunchtime a fabulous pizza usually appears or you can choose from our sandwich board, all made to order so please be patient!!  There is an extensive breakfast menu, available all day if the need arises, lunch can be a snack or a feast.
Did I mention coffee?  You haven't had a cappuccino until you've had one of Bex's towering masterpieces!
Evenings are relaxed: enjoy a glass of something to your liking with a bowl of olives or a delicious mezze or go the whole hog and have the kitchen knock you up a steak, beer battered haddock, duck confit, local sausage and mash, ravishing risotto etc etc (I think you get the picture).

The deli is changing...... originally a double fronted deli selling whatever takes your fancy, we have now moved and morphed into a coffee shop/wine bar/deli kind of thing.  We had a fancy new kitchen installed last August and this year we are going to have another change around with more seating becoming available.

We are therefore closing for two weeks from 13th August to have a little holiday and to get the shop done up a bit - but we'll be back!!!!

Ok, first blog done  -  come and visit us and see what we do  -  you won't be disappointed.